Want to pass this year’s exams? Sex makes you more intelligent, says study

Lucy Miller
2 min readJul 11, 2019


There are lots of things that we’re told to do as students to keep our brains on top form — getting eight hours of sleep, eating well, learning new things every day, etc.

But now a US university has thrown in a curveball — and it’s that sex can boost your intelligence.

Researchers are saying that sex increases the creation of neurons in the hippocampus, the area of the brain that is responsible for formation of long-term memory.

So if you’re having trouble remembering those mathematical equations/philosophical quotes/historical dates — you know the answer.

The University of Maryland study was carried out with mice, and is supported by further research from Konkuk University in South Korea — which found that sex also increases the flow of oxygen to the brain.

There are other benefits, too. Stress can decrease your long-term memory function — which is why information might seem like it’s just refusing to stay in your brain in the weeks before an exam. Increased sex, as you might already know, can get rid of this stress.

So, as Cosmo pointed out in its reporting of the news — more sex, more brain cells.

(The National Student encourages safe sex, but doesn’t recommend it as a substitute for revision.)

Originally published at https://www.thenationalstudent.com.



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