Video: This BNP Youth promotional video is the worst thing you’ll see this week
Well, here’s a way to scare the crap out of yourself on an otherwise sunny and relaxed Wednesday afternoon — a load of pasty, zombie-esque BNP Youth members, talking about how much they hate the world.
Addressed to the “fellow British youth”, who we doubt very much will do anything other than cringe (or maybe laugh) a group of terrifying, monotone teenagers remind us about the BNP’s “core values”, and why they’re total shit.
Here are the things that they list as being responsible for the “ongoing attempts to eradicate the British culture through the forced assimilation of different cultures and different peoples with our culture and our people…”
Listen up, because it’s an “unholy alliance”, of:
“The bankers who want to make us wage slaves”
“The heartless Zionists, whose interests are foreign interests”
“The cultural Marxists”
“The capitalists” (who also want to make us wage slaves)
“The militant homosexuals”
“The media”
“The likes of Baroness Lawrence”
We’re not quite sure what Stephen Lawrence’s mother has got to do with it. Maybe we could track down the girl with the big (WHITE) flower in her hair and ask her for clarification?
On second thoughts, maybe not.
The video ends by stating that stopping all of the above doing their evil work is “not a request, it’s a demand.”
Yeah, ok.