University library steam-cleaned after student caught performing sex show
It’s not exactly what you expect to find whilst you’re searching for dissertation references.
A female university student (not the one pictured — she, we assume, is an innocent stock model) has been reprimanded after top bods caught her performing a sex show on webcam in the uni library.
Yes, in front of the books.
The bizarre and mysterious incident happened at Newcastle University, and the library in question had to be steam-cleaned as a result.
This sounds like a bit of an overreaction to us, but hey — nothing like blowing things out of all proportion, is there?
Sadly it wasn’t our Newcastle University where the fairly misjudged, erm, filmmaking took place, but rather one in New South Wales, Australia.
The unnamed student allegedly recorded her library sex shows via webcam and uploaded them to an unnamed pay-per-view site.
She was caught out in October (there’s no word on how long she’d been making her sexy/bookish videos for) and has been undergoing counselling, according to the Mirror, although whether she was stumbled upon by other (probably fairly bemused) students or via creepier-than-ever CCTV footage hasn’t been revealed.
Why she chose the library rather than her room remains one of Australia’s greatest unsolved mysteries. Maybe she was hoping to get other students involved in her shenanigans? Maybe she needed the books as props? Maybe she wanted to get caught? Or maybe she just had a bad wi-fi connection at home?
Sadly, we’ll probably never know the answers to these far-reaching questions.
The university declined to give any further details, other than saying that they were “very disappointed” and that they “have a code of conduct that clearly outlines the sorts of behaviours the university expects from its community.”
This was not amongst them, we’re guessing.
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