These 15 REAL job ads taken from Craigslist are making us question humanity
What a time to be alive.
Now, we know that there are some odd people out there — and that many of them reside in the dark, dark spaces of the internet, where angels (and sane people) fear to tread.
That is, many of them reside in the backwaters of Gumtree and it’s even more questionable across the pond cousin, Craigslist.
Now, the wonderfully titled has trawled the job boards of these sometimes hilarious, sometimes questionable, often utterly terrifying, sites, and has collated the “job” offerings that raise the most questions.
So — “Footrest for you and earn money too”?
No, we don’t even either.
Good luck in your job hunt…
1. “Potential bonus”. What’d make that decision then, eh?
2. “…probably a Monday.”
3. Not much for a life’s work.
4. “This isn’t a sexual thing.”
5. £10 per meal. Seems stingy.
6. “It’s disgusting, smells and feels horrible.” WHERE DO I SIGN UP?
7. “Experienced placenta chef.” Shouldn’t have too much competition for this one. Score.
8. “Non-smoking nice chap.” Because nicotine is what’s important here.
9. “Bunny harness provided.” Phew.
10. “Ball shaver.”
11. “Possibly.”
12. Full discolure: our mate Ian* is up for this. He’s even willing to relocate to Aberdeen.
13. “Even tattoos in private places!”
14. “…not much, but still not bad!”
15. He’s had a bit of a break.
On a serious note, the site has been set up by careers app Debut to warn students and graduates about fake or potentially exploitative job adverts, and to remind them that — however hard the struggle — they’re worth more than this.
Charles Taylor, CEO of Debut, says: “We created the site as we thought it would really outline the shocking lengths people go to earn some money.”
But, he adds, “There are better, safer and easier options then resorting to a job board or going to some stranger from Craigslist’s house to clean their oven or cut their toenails.”
Ew. There certainly are. Now, stop considering how you can legitimately get James round to act as your human footstool and get on with your work.
* Ian’s name has been changed to protect his identity. The weirdo.
Originally published at