The happiest students in the UK are…
The happiest university in the country has been revealed — and as might have been expected, this is one table that Oxbridge just isn’t topping.
Instead, the accolade goes to those students at the University of Bath.
The results come from the Times Higher Education’s annual Student Experience Survey.
Bath also came out top in the National Student Satisfaction Survey last year.
Campus universities were at the top of the table, suggesting that students are happiest in their university bubble. Sheffield, which took the top spot last year, has dropped to third, whilst Loughborough is in second place. All three are campus-based.
Interesting, all three universities are also known for their sporting prowess — maybe suggesting that students who play sport competitively are more satisfied with their university life overall than those who don’t.
New entries to the top ten were Surrey and Newcastle, but Nottingham, Durham and Dundee fell of the list.
Notable absences include universities in London — not a single institution in the capital made the top ten.
It also looks like student satisfaction overall has dropped since last year — the average score for universities in 2015 is 74.7, compared to 2014’s 75.5.
The survey takes into account teaching quality and campus facilities, amongst other things.
The top ten in full:
East Anglia
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