Shag at Uni on hunt to find ‘Britain’s horniest student’
Shag at Uni, the ‘adult dating site’ exclusively for university students, has a new venture — a hunt to find the ‘horniest’ student in the UK.
The UK’s Horniest Student 2013 Award is running until November 1st, and Shag at Uni is seeking to find its champion via its Facebook page — where it is asking students to submit an answer to the question ‘What makes you the UK’s horniest student’, along with their age and university.
“We want to hear the funniest, the naughtiest or the weirdest sex stories you have,” says the site. “If you tell us and we think your entry is the best, you will be the first to be awarded our prestigious title as the UK’s ‘Horniest Student 2013′.”
Prestigious, that’s the word.
It continues: “We believe you should be rewarded handsomely for shagging around (after all that’s what students should do!) So the winner will also get to take home prizes that no student should ever live without including; complimentary full membership to the Shag at Uni dating site for ONE YEAR so you can have as much sex as you desire, a year’s supply of condoms to go with it (so you’re protected!) , £500 cash, a cool new phone and last but not least a crate load of alcohol so you and your friends can get your drink on!”
Know someone who might be tempted? The site’s blog also offers up the opportunity for students to nominate their friends for this dubious honour.
The (questionably) lucky winner will receive £500 cash, a crate of alcohol, a year’s supply of condoms and a Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini.
Shag at Uni claims that it has over 100,000 users — but if you haven’t come across it before we’re guessing you can deduct its aims from its less than subtle name.
We’ll leave you to decide on the potentially questionable nature of the competition for yourself. In the meantime, here are some of the justifications that have so far been offered up by students who really, really want the world to know how much they need sex:
Beth, 18 at Leeds Metropolitan University:
“me and my housemates have a shag leaderboard!! watch out to all the boys in leeds, none of u are safe!!”
Leanne, 18, University Of Manchester:
“is this competition even real or is a jk? cos if it is real then i should win. alll my girls jk that im the horniest as afte a nite owt if i havent pulled i bang on my exs door in salford until he lets me in for a quick bang no shame but a girl has needs lol”
And finally, our favourite, courtesy of Gregg, 18, London South Bank University…
“I’m definitely the horniest student in the UK. I have only just started Uni last week and I haven’t managed to bag a shag on any of the night outs. However!! I’ve probably watched about 10 hours worth of porn and I’m devising a strategy of how to coax the fittie who lives in the building opposite to agree to sleep with me. I can’t afford to get this wrong. I’m so horny…”
Wow. We hope you’re as impressed with these feats as we are.
If you want to join the ranks of wannabe horniest students in the country, go here.
Originally published at