‘Missing’ woman joins search for herself on Icelandic holiday
A tourist in Iceland spent the weekend helping a search party track down a ‘missing’ woman — without realising she was in fact on the hunt for herself.
he ‘intense police search’, or so The Reykjavik Grapevine calls it, started last Saturday after the woman ‘failed’ to return to her tour bus in the southern Icelandic town of Eldgja.
In fact, she had just changed her clothes and was no longer recognisable to her fellow holidaymakers.
The woman was described as “Asian, about 160cm, in dark clothing.” She was also said to “speak English well.”
Unfortunately this didn’t stop it taking her until Sunday to recognise her own description and conclude that she was the one being searched for.
The search, which had included 50 people on foot and a helicopter, was called off when she declared herself ‘found’.
Originally published at https://www.thenationalstudent.com.