And Britain’s ‘most promiscuous’ university is…
Student dating site has released its list of the ten ‘most promiscuous’ universities in Britain.
So, which university has taken this dubious honour? Is it Leeds, which in the past has been judged as having the hottest student population? Or the puntastically named Bangor, which came top in a recent sex survey?
Well, no.
The results, in fact, might come as a surprise…
St Andrews University in Scotland, which counts Prince William and Kate Middleton as graduates, has in fact emerged at the top of the list, based on the number of individual sign-ups and the number of students that have upgraded their profiles in order to receive the site’s full benefits.
Other universities making the top ten list included Oxford (surprising?), Manchester and Leeds (not so surprising?) was designed specifically for the use of those at university, giving members the chance to find fellow students online for the purpose of sexual encounters.
The team at the site recently noticed that students from certain universities were signing up in larger quantities than some of their more populated higher education facilities, and decided to investigate further.
The top ten most promiscuous universities in the UK, based on the times per month students were most likely to visit the site, were revealed as follows:
1. University of St. Andrews — 9.8
2. University of Leeds — 9.2
3. Oxford University — 8.4
4. Birmingham City University — 8.1
5. University of Manchester — 7.8
6. London South Bank University — 7.2
7. Southampton Solent University — 6.9
8. University of Reading — 6.3
9. University of Wolverhampton — 5.6
10. University Of West of England (UWE) — 5.1
In correlation to this list, universities including Cambridge, Aberdeen and Falmouth had the lowest return rate to the Shag at Uni site, with individual monthly visits averaging 2.9, 2.4 and 1.8 visits a month respectively.
Creator of, Tom Thurlow, said: “The visitors to the website are up on last year’s statistics by over 40%, further evidence to support that students are spending more time on sites like Shag at Uni to hook up with partners rather than rely on conventional methods to find a sexual partner.
“I’ve got to say, I absolutely love the fact that students from prestigious universities such as St. Andrews and Oxford seem to be such fans of our site! Let’s face it; it’s one of the more controversial hook-up sites out there. It may seem fairly shocking, but when you really stop and think about it, it makes perfect sense.”
He added: “There’s also the old saying of “work hard, play harder.” Who knows, maybe if our site had been around ten years ago, Prince William and Kate Middleton could have been fans! On second thoughts…”
Originally published in 2013 at