8 entirely justifiable reactions to Prue Leith accidentally revealing the Great British Bake Off winner on Twitter

Lucy Miller
1 min readNov 11, 2019


Prue Leith accidentally let slip the identity of the Great British Bake Off winner this morning, and the internet briefly went into meltdown.

Some people were speculating on how Mary Berry might have reacted… Some were despairing at their evening plans being ruined… And some were anticipating how events at Channel 4 might currently be unfolding: Others, though, thought it might not have been Prue’s fault at all…

- Scofflaw Conor (@Scofflawconor)

In the bowels of Channel 4 Towers, a tearful social media intern is currently reading up on how to use scheduled tweets properly #GBBOFinal

October 31, 2017

- Nina Stobart (@NinaStobart)

Oooops feel sorry for the person who scheduled @PrueLeith twitter account! No surprises tonight then #GBBOFinal #spoiler pic.twitter.com/1Ue44kp1iE

October 31, 2017

And some others were getting in on the conspiracy theories early:

- Maggie McShane (@MaggieAMcShane)

Is it too much to hope that #PrueGate was a clever ruse and she didn’t really tweet the winner of #GBBOFinal ? pic.twitter.com/Ekir9ioigH

October 31, 2017

And finally, some might just be a bit confused about how this whole thing works…

- Eileen M Cumiskey (@cumiskey55)

The winner of the final 2017 should not have been on the radar of anyone particularly a judge until it was over and done with #GBBOFinal

October 31, 2017

Yeah, we’re confused about that last one too *shrugs at Eileen*

Originally published at https://www.thenationalstudent.com.

