50 stages of emotion that you will experience upon finishing university
Did I mention just how light I feel, and also free — and how much I just love you all?
1. One. More. Exam. Onemoreexam! There are mere hours until my freedom is a real and tangible thing…
2. Ok, focus. Don’t lose it now. Yoga breath.
3. Going in. For the last exam. Ever, in my life.
4. Arghh! Good luck, and see you on the other side…
5. It’s started. It’s STARTED.
7. Remember the mind map. Remember it. Visualise…
8. ***Interim scribbling***
9. My hand really, really hurts.
10. 5 minutes left…
11. Pen down!
12. That’s it. THAT’S IT!
13. OUT OF HERE!!!
14. I feel so light! So light! A weight has been lifted; this is a cliched yet completely true feeling!
15. Nothing can touch me now! Ahh!
17. You’ve finished your degree too! And you! And you too!
18. Aren’t we bloody clever?!
19. No one in the history of time has ever felt happier than I do right now.
20. Bar? BAR!
21. Isn’t it nice/still vaguely odd that our lecturers are here?
22. Oh right — they’re not our lecturers anymore.
23. Why yes, former Victorian literature seminar tutor, you can indeed buy me a pint.
24. Is this weird?
25. Don’t care.
26. I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy.
27. Everyone I know is in this bar. We are united, as one, in triumph.
28. I generally think you’re a massive irritant, and I’ve actively avoided you for three years — but gosh, I really do feel the love for you today for some reason!
29. Yes, I’m so happy that body politic in the Fall of Rome came up. We mind-mapped it!
30. But please, let’s not talk about it anymore.
31. PINT.
32. I genuinely don’t care whether that went well or not.
33. I love you all.
34. Shall we go throw our revision notes in the lake…?
36. I have seriously never felt this much freedom.
37. Yeah, I’m going to be smashed by 7pm.
38. Oh, wait… already there.
39. I think this is acceptable, if not an actual requirement of this day.
40. The future is an absolute, massive rainbows of possibilities, which is open to us like never before because WE’VE FINISHED OUR DEGREES!
41. I’m just so happy. I can’t stop smiling.
42. Woo, that girl has just fallen over!
43. There are people in the lake.
44. Shall we join them…?
45. No. Town, right now.
46. We’ve finished! We are as one, united in our collective success!
47. Did I mention how much I’m going to miss all of you? Yes, even you!
48. Freedom! Shots!
49. Arghhhh!!
50. Did I also mention just quite how much I LOVE you all?
Originally published at https://www.thenationalstudent.com.